After witnessing the appalling conditions in Romanian orphanages first hand, Dame Anita Roddick mobilised her company, The Body Shop International, to help. Children on the Edge became an independently registered charity in 2004. Since then we have worked with communities around the world to create protective environments for some of the most marginalised children, overlooked by their societies.
Central to all of our programmes is a commitment to adapt and alter what we provide as the needs of the children evolve. Part of this is reflected in our principle of investing in the local communities until a time where they are able to own and implement the projects for themselves.
Many of our past projects have either now transitioned into independence, or the need for support is less critical. Read more about them below.
Central to all of our programmes is a commitment to adapt and alter what we provide as the needs of the children evolve. Part of this is reflected in our principle of investing in the local communities until a time where they are able to own and implement the projects for themselves.
Many of our past projects have either now transitioned into independence, or the need for support is less critical. Read more about them below.
ROMANIA SUPPORTING TEENS LEAVING STATE CARE![]() A project helping institutionalised teenagers who were leaving state care to develop the skills and confidence they need to live independently. Fundatia COTE is now an independent project. Find out more about our involvement here.
MOLDOVA CHILD AND COMMUNITY CENTRE![]() To tackle the problem of children living in poverty without adequate care, at risk of abuse, institutionalisation, trafficking and exploitation Children on the Edge developed our Child Friendly Space model in rural Moldova where the dangers were most evident.
THAILAND REFUGEE BOARDING HOUSES![]() Children on the Edge supported boarding houses run by the Karen Women's Organisation both with fundraising and by advising them in setting up good standards of care. It is now running independently and continues to seek ongoing funding.
MALAYSIA APARTMENT SCHOOLS![]() In Malaysia Children on the Edge supported CSO apartment schools for refugee children from Myanmar who are excluded from the education system. We helped them to build local links and now the programme is getting the majority of their support from local funding.
THAILAND MIGRANT SCHOOLS![]() From 2006 - 2010 Children on the Edge supported a number of migrant schools along the Thai Burma border, providing refugee children with the education they needed. The Migrant Schools are now supported by Spinning Top, our sister organisation based in New Zealand.
MYANMAR CHIN STATE EDUCATION![]() The conflict throughout Myanmar results in patchy and sometimes non existent education provision for children. We supported our local partner to provide this education within Chin State. The project is now run independently .
INDONESIA CHILD AND COMMUNITY CENTRE![]() After the Tsunami we set up a Child and Community Centre in Aceh to start to rebuild a sense of normalcy for the children of the community. We supported them to find local recognition and support and the project is now running independently.
ROMANIA HELPING CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS![]() Combatting negative social attitudes towards children with disabilities, we supported an early-years special needs centre in a suburb of Iasi, rural north-east Romania. Sansa Mea has worked miracles in turning around the lives of children with severe disabilities.
INDIA SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS![]() In India we supported 150 migrant children from Myanmar to access education through a school scholarship programme. Without such support these children would not be able to attend school at all.
THAILAND CHILDRENS CRISIS CENTRE![]() In Thailand we provided over 70 unaccompanied refugee children from Myanmar with a safe place to stay, trauma care, personal development and education, until a time when they were re-united with family.
EAST TIMOR CHILD AND COMMUNITY CENTRE![]() Having built up considerable experience in Europe of working with post-conflict children we were invited by UNICEF to implement a Child Friendly Space in Viqueque, East Timor, after the war of independence left the community devastated.
HAITI SPORT IN THE SLUMS![]() Working with Patrice Millet, a brave man who has dedicated his life to the children of his country, we supported a project that exists to support children living in the slums of Port au Prince by providing mentoring and education through sport.
MYANMAR NURSERIES FOR DISPLACED CHILDREN![]() On the border of Myanmar and Thailand the Ei Htu Hta Refugee camp held over 4,500 displaced people fleeing from government oppression. Here we helped to establish four nursery schools for 300 children from the most vulnerable families.
![]() In Bihar's red light districts on the Nepalese border, we supported two education centres to offer vital vocational training and basic education for 90 young women and children who were cut off from education and risk of being drawn into prostitution.