Here at Children on the Edge our fundraisers are alway taking on a range of exciting challenges to raise money for our projects. One of our amazing supporters, Lydia, decided to take the plunge (literally!) and completed a sky dive in October.
Lydia first heard about Children on the Edge through working as a consultant for The Body Shop at Home™. After hearing our presentation at their last conference, Lydia became particularly interested in our work in Uganda and wanted to learn more about the ways she could help. Fast forward a year and Lydia had signed up for a Skydive to raise money for Children on the Edge and The Benjamin Foundation. We caught up with Lydia to find out all our about her incredible experience. How did you first come up with the idea of doing a sky dive? Skydiving is something I have thought of doing since I was around 13 years old! I have no idea why, apart from the appealing factor of free - falling through the sky…call me crazy! It took me 10 years to get the guts to finally complete my dream stunt. The only reason it was booked is as a sufferer of mental illness, I was having a very good day and thought just do it! So that is what I did! It is the best thing I have ever done in my life. What inspired you to fundraise for Children on the Edge? I feel Children on the Edge is a very deserving, special charity. After doing some research and reading some further information, Children on the Edge has become one of the charities I would like to continue to support as much as possible. It reminds me of the charity I work for, where as we help young people and families within the UK, Children on the Edge are helping those across the world. What was your favourite part of the Sky Dive? The best part of the skydive was the feeling of falling through the sky! When the chute opened, it was the most incredible feeling going through the clouds with all the amazing views! Words really can not describe how enjoyable jumping, falling and chuting 13,00ft is- unless you experience it for yourself! What do you think all children deserve the right to? I believe all children deserve the right to be happy, loved and cared for. I view families in so many different ways, whether they are made up of birth parents, foster parents or adopted children, one thing every family should have in common is happiness and a safe environment. Children deserve the best possible upbringing and security that they can get, to show they are cared for. Not only has Lydia conquered this brilliant challenge but she has also raised over £400 for our work! A huge thank you to Lydia for being such an amazing supporter! Want to to fundraise for Children on the Edge? Get in touch with our fundraising officer today! Comments are closed.
February 2025