Here at Children on the Edge we love to shout about our supporters, not only our dedicated wonderful corporate supporters but also every single passionate individual who chooses to raise money for us.
The Body Shop At Home™ is an eclectic mix of both of these. They are a long term corporate supporter full of inspiring and inventive individual fundraisers and we wanted to take this opportunity to tell everyone what they have already achieved this year. We had the pleasure of being invited to attend their Christmas Conference in September and we were overwhelmed by the passion, enthusiasm and generosity that filled the room. Ben got up on stage to a roaring reception and updated everyone on the progress of our project in Uganda and shared the huge amount of money that has been raised so far (see photo above). This of course included a huge spinning glitter ball, a (customary?!) Coldplay song, a beautiful and moving speech by Rose Schofield (see photo bottom left) and a few tears. We don’t like to do things by halves here at Children on the Edge! We were absolutely astounded by the huge amount that has been raised with Bev Ashton and Lou Daly’s regions already smashing their targets for the year with the busiest Christmas period in front of us. So far the Body Shop at Home team has together raised £31,000 from the recruitment and £50 challenge, £2000 on the day from selling raffle tickets and £500 raised through text donations. There are also huge amount of individuals within The Body Shop At Home™ who put a lot of passion and enthusiasm into raising money for COTE, here are a few of their fundraising escapades to amaze and inspire you. A huge thank you needs to go to:
We’d also like to express our ongoing gratitude to every single one of you who faithfully mention Children on the Edge at your parties and continue to shout and scream about us to anyone who will listen. The grand total so far this year is £60,780, the target for this year was £70,000. With Christmas coming up is anyone up for trying to smash the £100,000 target?!? Thanks to Ani Evans photography for donating the photos for this article. Ani is a TBSAH consultant and long time supporter of our work. Her support has included going out to Moldova to help on one of our play schemes! Comments are closed.
February 2025