For the past two years Children on the Edge has been Make it Cheaper’s charity partner. During the partnership, the team at Make it Cheaper have raised an amazing £49,917 for Children on the Edge. Dan O'Sullivan from Make it Cheaper shares how; “I saw first hand how Children on the Edge make a difference to the lives of truly vulnerable children and knowing Make it Cheaper were part of that is truly satisfying. We are a passionate bunch and took the cause to heart, whether we were doing bake off competitions, running through mud or donating from our pay packets. We were brilliantly supported by the Children on the Edge team and couldn’t have raised this great amount without them.”
Fundraising Manager Eloise Armstrong said: “Make it Cheaper have really raised the bar in fundraising. Giving so generously and raising an incredible £49,917 for Children on the Edge. They certainly put the fun into fund-raising - organising Tough Mudders, the Great MICish Bake Off and giving each month from their pay. Ensuring generosity is at the heart of their business, Make it Cheaper have also matched every payroll donation and inspired staff by donating £25 for every week the team hit targets, and from each £25 donation a new family in Uganda could get a fresh start with a small business loan. Thank you for changing lives and restoring hope and a fresh future for children and families in Uganda - we so grateful for your support, partnership and passion over the last two years” The money that Make it Cheaper have raised over the last two years has helped:
If you could support Children on the Edge at your workplace we would love to hear from you, email our team at [email protected]. Comments are closed.
February 2025